Gurnard Primary School

Gurnard Primary School

Respect, Success, Belonging

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  2. Governors
  3. Meet the Governors
  4. Previous Governors

Previous Governors


Darren Claydon - Parent Governor

Date of appointment: 29th February 2016

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  The Governing Board

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2021-22: 

Resigned: 30th June 2023


Chloe Dove - Parent Governor, Link Governor for Health and Safety and EYFS

Date of Appointment: 7th December 2022

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  The Local Authority

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2022-2: 4/4 FGB meetings

Resigned: 4th January 2024

Josephine Hinson - Co-opted Governor and Link Governor for Compliance

I have lived on the Isle of Wight since 2005 following a full-time career, which took me overseas for eighteen years.  I have lived in Gurnard since that time.  I am very involved with a number of charities and volunteer for them.  I belong to a variety of Island societies and I am active within them.  I enjoy all aspects of Island life and like to find new places for walking.  I bring much life and career experience to my role as Governor and regularly meet with the leaders of the school ensuring compliance is adhered to.

Date of appointment: 28th September 2011 (Governing Board reconstituted 21st April 2015). Re-elected 26th March 2019

Term of office: 4 years

Appointed by:  The Governing Board

Business or financial interests: None

Governance roles in other schools: None

Material interests arising from relationships between governors or governors and staff: None

Meetings attended in 2021-22: 4/7 FGB meetings

Resigned: 22nd March 2023